Reading the title, you must think about the transformer. Well, you are not completely wrong but you might not right. A bit confusing. This is not the transformer where you can find the Meghan Fox looked so sexy in it. It is completely different even though the concept is same.
What will be the issue here is that the moving castle. It is actually an old truck shaped like a castle and moving. Well, unlike the flying fortress which is only the metaphor, this transformer truck is a real moving castle. You do not have to pay for hotel if you are about to travel around United State.
Just like a moving castle, you can see many supporting stuff in this truck. Do not concern about the shape of the old truck. The interior of the truck is just as cozy as the five star hotel with its things inside.
It is not a hundred thousand dollars luxurious car. It is a great vehicle you can drive for miles without having affraid of the bumpy road. There are several pillows and a bed and sofa for you to take some rest and if you really need a sleep, you can pull over and stop and take some rest.